
Docear tutorial
Docear tutorial

docear tutorial

My proposal uses the following tools, which you should install (available for both Windows and Linux):

docear tutorial

Solution Proposal: Docear + Zotero Tool collection free and open source software as much as possible.tools should work cross platform (Linux, Windows, Mac).both web-published (HTML and PDF) and local versions shall have working hyperlinks to cited works, including links to the page.automatic creation of a references list when writing, both in WordPress and LibreOffice.


ability to write scientific articles in LibreOffice, with easy web publishing both as HTML in a WordPress site, and as PDF.ability to write scientific articles in WordPress.ability to draft scientific articles and theses in a mindmap-style, "notes organizing" mode.visually navigable documents when writing (no, not TeX or HTML source).flexible means for organizing note collections, with links to the part of the annotated document.creating notes on documents collaboratively, synced to everybody in a group.adding to the literature database collaboratively, synced to everybody in a group.literature database, with both metadata and fulltexts.(And thanks to mantas in the comments, whose tip for Docear lead to this major rework of an earlier article, which was using Freemind instead.) Requirements This is so far just a proposal – I did not fully test it out yet, but have exlored options for two days and this seems best, for my requirements.

Docear tutorial