I certainly do not want to edit the waveform using a pen. Its counter producive to marry moving of automation points on TOP of the audio with locking the underlying audio, me thinks. Snap needs to be off and you cant have it in lock edit mode, which I think should change.i keep lock on all the time, unless I have to do this kind of moving of automation points. Without selecting and area first, change to the pencil tool and you can draw and move points.

In your case you selected a region which starts you with a block, not a “curve”, but yes, you can move those and draw all over. (01-07-2019, 06:55 PM)JamieLang Wrote: Why not? Yes, those are the curves-meaning the mechanism of said drawing for curves. The thing is, I'd like to avoid carving out a new region (hence adding a small amount of noise) and simply boost the wav inside a simply selected region. If I slice the selected region instead of just selecting it, then use Ctrl-6 or Ctrl-7 on the sliced region, w/o needing to select it, then it will work as usual, diminishing or augmenting the wav gain respectively. Selected as shown with the screenshot above. Nevertheless selecting a region and then pressing Ctrl-6 or Ctrl-7, which I use on a regular basis for whole regions during gain staging, will not do anything at all for the selected region. I've re-assigned Ctrl-F6 and Ctrl-F7 to Ctrl-6 and Ctrl-7 years ago. I have a template in my DAW (ProTools) which helps massively to create an efficient workflow.(01-07-2019, 04:21 PM)musikrainer1 Wrote: Try >ctr 6ctr 7< you decrease volume incl. Adjust to -16 or -14 after bounce to disk which is typically x30 speed cos all plugins are native. In post, I properly stage-gain and put a bus compressor / limiter on the end. I have premium mics (RE320, higher output then the RE20) and top end interface (Sound Devices MixPRe10T) with option to dial-in for remote guests, either via Riverside or any other platform. None of these are having to work too hard, because I put the effort into capturing good audio to begin with. I have a treated space, and run izotope to dampen out any constant noise (I'm based in the tropics, air-con has some noise but it's easy to remove) and then work with the tracks with plug-ins for EQ, Dynamics (basically compressor) and De-essing.

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